Possesions Editor: Len McMaster |
Len McMaster
27 Fairfield Lane
Capon Bridge, WV 26711
Possessions is published quarterly by the USPPS. Subscription is $25.00
a year and includes membership to the society.
Back issues are available by contacting: The editor
Back Issue Inventory Reduction Sale: We have several hundred
back issues of Possessions, mostly more recent issues due to extra copies delivered from our printer. So we are reducing the
price to $5 ($7 for non-members) per issue postpaid with a 10% further reduction if you purchase five or more. The one exception
is Whole number 101, the Index to Whole numbers 1-100, which is available for $10 ($15). Please check with the editor at 304-856-1118
or USPPS.Possessions@gmail.com before placing an order to make sure we have the issues you need.
Click here for Possessions, Volume 30 #2
Click here for Possessions, Volume 31 #3
Click here for the Index to Possessions, 1978-2024

USPPS membership
pins are available from the Editor.
Each of the specialty 1½" Cloisonné Pins are $12.00 postpaid.